Navigating this manual

This User’s Guide is provided in both printed and electronic form, searchable with most commonly available document viewing programs.  If you cannot locate an index topic you need, please do a text string-search for the relevant word or phrase, or related words.

The screen-shots shown throughout this guide have been taken with a relatively small window size.  The default display is a window that fills the screen.  Click once on the Minimize button  (upper right-hand corner of window display) to get a smaller working area; click on the Maximize button  to return to full-screen display.

The screen-shots have been taken with the next-to-last version of the software.  We have made every effort to match what you will see in ezScriptWriter with what the guide shows, but there may be slight discrepancies.

This guide assumes you have basic familiarity with mouse and file manipulation in Microsoft Windows. This manual was written using a tree structure (i.e. topics are listed in a hierarchical branching format). If the tree is fully closed, click the "+" sign in the box icon to the left of the node icon to open up the first branch, then repeat this process to open up further branches. Alternatively, click the blue underlined hyperlinks on this page to jump to the main sections.
If you want to move down the tree using the keyboard, press the Tab key. This will take you to all subtrees that are currently open.
See Conventions used in this manual.