Patient Demographics

Almost 99% of the necessary information about the patient is visible on this screen.  The yellow highlighted fields are the bare minimum data we recommend collecting, although only the full name is required to create the chart.  Note the GUARANTOR button (set to “self” on a blank chart) at the top.  If this patient is using insurance and has an existing patient as the guarantor, then using this tool will quickly import their data (e.g. after selecting the guarantor, click the arrow by the address to copy it over).  The insurance drop-down list gives all available insurances (see the section on PROGRAM SETTINGS to edit this list). The only fields on this screen you cannot edit are the age field (auto-calculated, based on DOB) and the chart number field (auto-assigned).  Both are shaded in grey. 

The print button on the lower left corner prints a simple summary of the patient demographics.